They say dog behavior, ‘love is, what your dog feels when you get home.
Running towards you from the distance, wagging their tails, and licking you, denotes their delight to see you home, and shoe destruction, garbage picking are the modes, your bowwow retaliates when you leave them alone or get too tired to take them out for some walk. Along with this, there are plenty of behaviors the canines portray, and being a dog-lover, you’d of course like to understand them right? So, here are some of the little descriptions regarding your dog behavior that would probably help you to understand your beloved pet.
1. Wagging tails:
Wagging tails are not always the sign, that your dog is happy. You always need to reckon the direction of the wag. For example; a dog wags his tail on the right side when he is feeling happy, confident, and positive about approaching something. And a dog will wag his tail on the left, when he feels scared, agitated, or wants to bolt from the situation. And adding on, the squirming tail unfolds their emotional state too. For example, the canine’s tail stays in its natural position when they are hanging loose. But depending upon the diversity of breeds, the natural positions of the tail vary. Such as most of the dogs have their tails hanging near the heels, whereas the cute little pugs have their tails curled upward. And again, when your pet is a bit nervous, fearful, you could notice his tail a bit lowered than the natural position or been tucked under his body.
2. Kicking legs:
When your tail wager kicks their leg, while getting scratched, let me define it to you as their involuntary reflex to stimulus, aka “scratch reflex”. A tickle or a scratch on your pup’s belly is an irritant that triggers the reflex on your apple by acting on the nerve under its skin that as fast carries an impulse and replies with a message for the corresponding leg to get kicked. It’s not a compulsion that every canine gets irritated by this act. If they don’t like it, they’ll simply move away from you. Well, if you want it again crystal clear, then think about your knee-jerk, the sensation when your patella is slightly banged by a percussion hammer.
3. Yawning and fluttering:
So, let me be your informative journal. What do we do when we are uncomfortable? Look away, talk less, and what do our pooch does when she is uncomfortable? Whenever we hug our pups, we usually tack on our cheeks to their face. And sometimes, they move their face away. This act implies that they are totally uncomfortable. They lick their lips and yawn while finding anything weird, and also they look away, or avoid eye contact. (compiled on the behavior online basis: YouTube, understanding dog behaviors)
4. The anxious ones:
The awed little children, whenever get fidgety, know that they are having cold feet. Whenever fearful, they are hyper-vigilant, they keep sniffing on the ground. Their hairs are up, tails stay low, and ears up. A sweet example, when you are on the pavement with your beloved pet, a vehicle passes by at a certain speed. You could clearly recognize that your pup is scared by looking at his ears, or restlessness. ( compiled on an online basis: YouTube, understanding dog behaviors)
5. Licking: your Lilliputian pet licks you.
If you wonder why let me tell you, it’s all out of the beautiful attribute called “affection”. Licking for affection causes your dog to release endorphins that calm and comfort them. On the other hand, your endearing apple happens to be fond of your skin scent. Well, it’s some tiny information regarding a canine licking his pet-parent. Now, if your pup is licking somewhere in his own feet frequently, then you should gather that he is suffering from some sort of allergies, whereas if your candy is licking a certain spot, time and again, then you might need to give a thought for specialist’s consultation, as it may be the result of his overpowered anxiety or obsessive-compulsive disorder.
6. Digging:
Boisterous pets are often caught digging. They dig, especially, when they are hot or cold, trying to be cooler or warmer. Well, entertainment could also be the aspect of a dog’s digging habit. Those who dig for fun, usually adopt playful postures and alternatively perform, digging up and running tasks. Also, what’s more, is, their wild ancestors used to bury their food in the past so that when they get back from a short trip around the jungle, they could easily get their meal to dine on and enjoy. So one of the explanations of your sweet-tooth’s digging habit could be the urge itself to dig, certainly acquired from their ancestors. They still adopt the digging penchant to bury the bones and their favorite toys. And the indoor candies, they bury things within the house, like beneath the carpets or furniture, or underneath a pile of laundry.
7. Eating dirt and grass:
If your beau pet eats dirt frequently and in large amounts, then don’t jumble it for having fun. Let me mention, eating dirt, or non-edible stuff, this implicates that the canine is having pica-mineral deficiency or also could be due to the worm infestations. Though if it just sometimes sniffs and dines on mud, then it’s not a critical problem. This prankish pooch always figures the mischievous stuff out of their boredom. And if you find your jolly bowwow eating grass, probably they are bored again, or sometimes they may like the taste and flavor of the grass, and most importantly, it also could be due to their upset tummy.
8. Lying on their back:
Dogs still adopt some habits of their wolf ancestors. It shows that your candied pet feels much secure and totally comfortable when around you. Well, along with it, this dog behavior has other aspects too. If your dog is manifesting the signs of fear or any phobia, then his lying-on-its-back activity is clearly explaining to you that he doesn’t want to be touched at all. And on the other hand, if this canine is rolling playfully on the floor and lying on its back, then he wants you to tousle their fur and play along.
9. Destruction and urination:
Well, this is one of the commonest ways, your amiable tail wager chooses to retaliate when agonized from separation anxiety. The times they come to know their beloved pet parent is going to leave them alone in the home, after the moments you take off, they start household destruction, especially in the exit points like doors and windows, and also may end up urinating inside. Or if they are in the house ground, enclosed by the tall fence, they could end up digging the ground and playing the mods as well. And when you get home, they don’t leave any odds to express their merriment to get you back, once again. J
I don’t want to bore you with a long-to-read page and numerous details, so one last and important dog behavior, I would like to mention is barking excessively.
Dogs that are left alone all day often get along with barking habits, all out of boredom. If your poodle is young and home alone then probably it would be there barking, being anxious. Their barking, basically, could also be a call made to reach you out. It could be the signal for you to come and play with them. And another reason could of course be, warning you of potential intruders if they sense any, obviously not being capable to distinguish between your friendly visitors and real intruders. Let me set it like, they’d be there barking louder and repeatedly when someone gets in, but they’d be there sitting calm and just observing the people walking out the home door.